Ella, Rosie, and Aedan and their rocks
Palm Sunday started off with a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon and fruit. Abbie is ending her Spring Break as Ella’s getting started. Abbie pretty much worked through hers. She is currently working on an original musical score for the
Gilgamesh video.
Ella has let it be known that she’s going to be staying up late and having fun all day. Over the course of the morning, Abbie’s room gained a desk and lost a lot of clutter to turn it into a functioning workspace for remote learning. Ella went downstairs to the neighbors and painted rocks with Aedan and Rose. Later, Laura and Abbie made a grocery run and dropped off Abbie’s broken laptop to be Fed Ex’d to Apple for what I hope is a timely repair. I caught up on bookwork that had gotten ignored while we put up our online learning.
As Chicago is quickly becoming the nation’s new hotspot for the virus, we are trying to take extra precautions and will be vigilant about gloves and masks. I’ve also decided to declare a moratorium on Amazon purchases as I am concerned their warehouses may be adding to the spread. There is nothing that is needed so urgently as to risk exposure at this point. After reading some more accounts of what the virus can do to a person, I am quite ready to take it seriously. But not so serious that I can’t repeat a joke.
Q: Do you know why Trump tested negative for COVID19?
A: The virus has been shown to affect lungs, not assholes.
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