Quarantine - Day 8
Just finished dinner with the family on a sunny afternoon. We achieved our deadline of getting up online content for our students stuck at home. It was a team effort, but Abigail especially was instrumental in getting it done on time. She handled the bulk of the video editing as I just did the opening and ending credits. She edited the scripts, directed the shoot, and edited each video. Additionally, she came up with a delightful opening theme riff, and Ella did the incidental music for the Warm Up video. We did a brief social media campaign and let our schools know the content was available. It was a full workday. It was not a full workday for the Senate on the relief package. They are stalled in their work. There are now twelve deaths in Illinois and 1,285 sickened. The US now 43,214 people exposed in the US, we are third behind China and Italy in total number of cases. Globally, 375,458 people have contracted the virus. over 35,000 more than yesterday.

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