Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine - Day 5

Another day of quarantine begins.  There is talk in Washington about relief for small businesses, and small businesses don’t get much smaller than ours, so I start an application for relief loans and read through the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act or Emergency FMLA.  Laura resumed her morning dance routine, and also resumed writing LLMM.  Abbie had papers due and past due plus online learning, and Ella started distant learning from her school.  We are still trying to piece together what our online content may be.  Trump was in a mood picking fights with the press at another of his oddball press conferences.  He is taking this all too personally, complaining that no one gives him enough credit and getting peckish and snappy with those who dare to challenge his grasp of the situation.

Mark Zeus calls, and he is still wanting to find a cheap flight into Chicago to stream a house concert online possibly.  Southwest Airlines has just cancelled their flights into and out of Midway because the ATC in the tower experienced an outbreak temporarily making Midway an uncontrolled airport.  In the late afternoon, Governor Pritzker announced a Shelter-in-Place order with Emily Landon, the chief infectious disease epidemiologist at University of Chicago Medicine giving an especially heartfelt plea to stay at home.  We left and went to the Rockwell Grill for dinner and they handed us our takeout from a respectful distance.  We watched “Yesterday” on HBO and pretended it was a normal Friday Night.  There are now over 275,429 cases globally, 19,624 in the US, and 585 cases in Illinois with 5 fatalities statewide. 


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