Quarantine - Day 6

The morning got off to a slow start. One of our bank cards got hacked and needed shut off. Around 11AM we all got started on trying to put together some online content. It was a family project turning the dining room into a makeshift video studio. Abbie served as line producer and I worked as a gaffer while Ella composed theme music and Laura was the on-camera talent. We went to work making five clips to get things started online by Monday, and by 3:30PM we had made some real progress.
It was a sunny day outside, so Ella went out after coming up with some great incidental music using Garage Band. Later she Skyped with Cousin Aeva while Laura roasted a chicken. We haven’t driven each other crazy quite yet, and it’s looking like we might be able to pull off some good content with our extremely humble set up. We got good news from Ingenuity. They are thinking about freeing up some funds for teaching artists, and that couldn’t come at a better time, as I am sure many are needing the assistance now.
We checked on our neighbor Constantine and he is keeping busy on Facebook and doing his taxes. The neighborhood seems to be doing OK as people adjust to our strange new universe. I try to keep myself away from the current events as I have been on a bit of a news binge recently. None of the news seems very good anyway. Another person died in Illinois bringing the total now to six. 753 have tested positive statewide. With 25,493 testing positive in the US, we now lead the world with the fastest increase in new cases. There are 303,816 infected globally, double what it was on Monday.

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