A Wayback
I originally posted this as a comment at Winds of Change a while back. I still believe in it, more or less...
If the Democratic party must surrender to pragmatic venture capitalists with neo-liberal ideas born in their heads when they used to follow The Dead, the country will be the worse for it. I sincerely hope that leftists wanting to start up a think tank so they may sit around and pow-wow while trying to garner attention in trendy intellectual circles realize that think tanks are all around them: in their workplace, the bar, the schoolhouse (where help is truly needed), and the dining room table.
No, the Democratic party is not as lockstep as the Republican machine. There are no Prelates dictating their interpretation of scripture to novitiates. Democrats don't inspire a turn of events on a Saturday and spend all Sunday morning talking about it on television. Democrats are not made men with all the connections and with power in their fists. Who needs that self-righteous, supply-side-pseudo-religeous bullshit? There are still 100 million potential voters in the electorate that typically do not vote. 100 million!
Why do Democrats need to "wire their base" and double time it to the polls like cadets running extra laps for the drill sargeant? If there is a thing that may be called Clintonism (which is highly doubtful since his only real political legacy was survival) it may be simply "build a big tent." That is, find those voters who think the whole thing is a sham and goad them into voting. Give them a reason they can care about to show up. The whole reason conservatives need to keep zapping their base is that is the only way they can achieve anything as outnumbered as they are.
And how long before all those good Christian people in the Heartland with their Heartland Values realize how screwed they are? That clock is ticking, ticking. I am originally a farm boy from East Central Indiana and I can say that the place only barely resembles what it used to be. My elementary school turned into a county jail (a profit center as it takes in overflow from other counties); new prisons in broken down towns, farmers scraping by with next to nothing at all; Wal-Mart size churches sprung up everywhere to siphon off what spending money their is left, and rigid doctrines to follow at every step. There are loads of goodies for some boys and girls and perpetual austerity measures for the rest.
But it is dawning on them that something is'nt quite right. Some of them are going to turn on the Right because of the war. Some of them are going to turn because in four years they have been given nothing while much has been asked. A whole lotta people who never had a mind to vote because they think the whole game is fixed are going to show up out of curiosity's sake on election day. That is, unless, the Democratic party turns into a bunch of brutal fixers themselves who only inspire cynicism and fear.
Progressives are not doom and gloom. Progressives are not for blowing the budget on handouts. That is poorly spun myth. Hell, the Progressive era ended in 1914. The New Deal wasn't some sort of liberal-Socialist wet dream. It was an all out effort to restore economic activity as quickly as possible. Except for Social Security, most of FDR's programs were temporary in law and in scope. No one was ever even sure they would work, and afterwards is wasn't clear if they did. Maybe things just changed because another war came along.
But there is, I think, a new Progressive Era coming along where Populism will restore rights to individuals that have been taken over by ideologues and corporatists. While one may resent the "wackos" at Moveon.org for their wackiness. It started out as simply two people at a dining room table talking and is still only a tiny staff. They won't hurt you; they're friendly.
Democrats do not need to assume the model of the Conservative Right to gain leveredge at the polls. We will build a bigger tent and take pride that it is a big bunch of just about everybody. Union? Yes! (All 8% of the workforce, you) Minorities: "Hell yeahh, word to ya mutha!" Gays? "Loved your wedding, you both looked gorgeous." Christians? "Praise Jesus! The world's first liberal." Big Business? "Just tell Tiny Tim to scoot over and have you a seat right there!" Soldiers? "Our honored guests. Please follow us we have special accommodations for you." Women? "It's ladies night!" Skin heads, fascists, bigots, land rapers, and world exploiters? "Go on home now, git!" There's room and there is enough for most everyone. As Robert Penn Warren once said, "world enough, and time..."
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If the Democratic party must surrender to pragmatic venture capitalists with neo-liberal ideas born in their heads when they used to follow The Dead, the country will be the worse for it. I sincerely hope that leftists wanting to start up a think tank so they may sit around and pow-wow while trying to garner attention in trendy intellectual circles realize that think tanks are all around them: in their workplace, the bar, the schoolhouse (where help is truly needed), and the dining room table.
No, the Democratic party is not as lockstep as the Republican machine. There are no Prelates dictating their interpretation of scripture to novitiates. Democrats don't inspire a turn of events on a Saturday and spend all Sunday morning talking about it on television. Democrats are not made men with all the connections and with power in their fists. Who needs that self-righteous, supply-side-pseudo-religeous bullshit? There are still 100 million potential voters in the electorate that typically do not vote. 100 million!
Why do Democrats need to "wire their base" and double time it to the polls like cadets running extra laps for the drill sargeant? If there is a thing that may be called Clintonism (which is highly doubtful since his only real political legacy was survival) it may be simply "build a big tent." That is, find those voters who think the whole thing is a sham and goad them into voting. Give them a reason they can care about to show up. The whole reason conservatives need to keep zapping their base is that is the only way they can achieve anything as outnumbered as they are.
And how long before all those good Christian people in the Heartland with their Heartland Values realize how screwed they are? That clock is ticking, ticking. I am originally a farm boy from East Central Indiana and I can say that the place only barely resembles what it used to be. My elementary school turned into a county jail (a profit center as it takes in overflow from other counties); new prisons in broken down towns, farmers scraping by with next to nothing at all; Wal-Mart size churches sprung up everywhere to siphon off what spending money their is left, and rigid doctrines to follow at every step. There are loads of goodies for some boys and girls and perpetual austerity measures for the rest.
But it is dawning on them that something is'nt quite right. Some of them are going to turn on the Right because of the war. Some of them are going to turn because in four years they have been given nothing while much has been asked. A whole lotta people who never had a mind to vote because they think the whole game is fixed are going to show up out of curiosity's sake on election day. That is, unless, the Democratic party turns into a bunch of brutal fixers themselves who only inspire cynicism and fear.
Progressives are not doom and gloom. Progressives are not for blowing the budget on handouts. That is poorly spun myth. Hell, the Progressive era ended in 1914. The New Deal wasn't some sort of liberal-Socialist wet dream. It was an all out effort to restore economic activity as quickly as possible. Except for Social Security, most of FDR's programs were temporary in law and in scope. No one was ever even sure they would work, and afterwards is wasn't clear if they did. Maybe things just changed because another war came along.
But there is, I think, a new Progressive Era coming along where Populism will restore rights to individuals that have been taken over by ideologues and corporatists. While one may resent the "wackos" at Moveon.org for their wackiness. It started out as simply two people at a dining room table talking and is still only a tiny staff. They won't hurt you; they're friendly.
Democrats do not need to assume the model of the Conservative Right to gain leveredge at the polls. We will build a bigger tent and take pride that it is a big bunch of just about everybody. Union? Yes! (All 8% of the workforce, you) Minorities: "Hell yeahh, word to ya mutha!" Gays? "Loved your wedding, you both looked gorgeous." Christians? "Praise Jesus! The world's first liberal." Big Business? "Just tell Tiny Tim to scoot over and have you a seat right there!" Soldiers? "Our honored guests. Please follow us we have special accommodations for you." Women? "It's ladies night!" Skin heads, fascists, bigots, land rapers, and world exploiters? "Go on home now, git!" There's room and there is enough for most everyone. As Robert Penn Warren once said, "world enough, and time..."
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