Thursday, January 27, 2005

An Open Letter To Karl Rove

Mr. Karl Rove
Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. Rove,

It has come to my attention that the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government and the Agencies under its Administration are endeavoring to spread the Gospel of Our Leader's vision for His glorious second term in new, innovative ways. As has been recently noted, The Dept. Of Moral Education recently paid columnist Armstrong Williams $240,000 for "consulting" services, and the U.S. Department of Health and Christian Services recently paid Universal Press Syndicate columnist Maggie Gallagher $21,500.00 to promote President Bush's efforts to encourage marriage (something I am all for -- it worked for me). Sir, I am an unemployed blogger enduring great hardship in the heartland. I would like to offer my services.

You need a tout? I will tout, sing praise, evangelize, subtly hint, frame, prevaricate, posit, crow, interlocute, triumph, disseminate, and promote any idea that the President may wish to have favorably portrayed. As an entrepreneur, I am prepared to offer my services far more cost effectively than the aforementioned writers simply to provide additional value to your endeavor.

I can offer valuable inroads to the Progressive demographics necessary for the success of bold initiatives such as Reforming Social Security and Ownering in an Ownership America! See, these people know me and I know them. I can be a persuasive mover in their midst so as to introduce more dimension to their keening diatribe of dissent. Those lefties will listen to me when I say they ought to give more thought to private medical accounts. They will stand up and take notice when I say that Freedom is more important than "freedoms" and Freedom shall Stand! I can do this for a modest five figure sum during an initial term of 180 days and help achieve the results this nation so badly needs.

I am anxious to get started and I know that the Agenda waits for no one! Just let me know what initiatives you would like to see hustled out there in the Great Marketplace of Ideas and I will get Right on it! I am happy to serve the great cause of Freedom in this way. After 180 days, if you like the results that I GUARANTEE, we can further negotiate an equitable remuneration.

I am ready to bear witness. I am your loyal drone for a small fee. Please CALL TODAY!

yada yada yada,


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Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Perils of Unemployment - Part II

Note: any information contained in this post is intended for entertainment and amusement purposes and is compliant with the artistic license issued to me as a practicing songwriter and beloved entertainer to dozens. It in no way is intended to invoke the (720 ILCS 300/) Derogatory Statements About Banks Act. Besides, it is all true.

Yeah, it's lousy having to look for work in the Bush Economy; having to stretch the dollars you have to some imaginary payday. Through luck, my wife's income, some well-timed, part-time gigs, the generosity of friends and family, and necessity, we have actually been managing OK, but the sharks are starting to circle a bit. Yesterday, I received a check1 in the mail.

The good folks at Beneficial® knew somehow of my circumstance, felt they should do something, and sent me a check for $2,500.00 along with a flyer saying I had an additional $500.00 in credit where that came from. All I have to do is endorse the check (in so doing I agree to the terms of the loan), and my friendly local bank will put nice, crisp paper money in my hand. Problem solved.

The only problem was I knew this was an indicator of a larger problem. Some unsavory characters must had studied my fitful situation and decided to throw me a lifeline in the form of a couple of cement blocks at the end of a chain. Someone's wanting to watch me sink and they want to rifle my pockets before I go to the bottom. Gee fellas, I thankfully still possess presence of mind, you know.

Looking at the terms, it was almost diabolical genius the way this offering was structured. In big bold letters a accompanying the check said, "This is a real check for $2,500.00!" A notice from Mr. Jeff Good at Beneficial said it was to make my life "even more rewarding."1 A Special Notice referred me to enclosed documents entitled "Important Notice Required Under The Fair Credit Reporting Act. Sure enough, there were some flyers loaded with financial-ese and legal hocus-pocus. In it I found they were offering an APR of 29.895%. Moreover, subject to the applied interest were any cumulative charges such as administrative or credit insurance charges rounded to the nearest $1.00, and annual fee of $50.00, late fees, bad check fees, and an overlimit fee. There was also an acceleration clause attached to the agreement.

Also troubling were the accompanying "Privacy Statement" and "Arbitration Rider". The Privacy Statement" states a commitment to me to uphold the trust that I have placed in them and they pledge to protect that trust. Apparently, they collect certain demographic information, not all of it "publicly available" from either forms I have filled out or credit bureau reports. In addition to making sure this information is kept "safe from unauthorized access", Household maintains safeguards in compliance to "applicable federal standards"1 to guard the information. From time to time for "general business purposes", they will share this information with affiliated companies and "non-financial service providers that become affiliated with us in the future"1. This is done when they think "it may benefit [me]." Such non-affiliated companies may include insurance service providers, or internet service providers with whom they have a service agreement. Chutzpah. Pure Chutzpah, in'it?

Remember back in the old days when banks had to service in-state customers only and couldn't co-mingle affairs with insurance subsidiaries? {sigh}

The "Arbitration Rider" seemed to steer any dispute to the "National Arbitration Forum" located in Chesapeake, VA (probably in a venue designed by Thomas Jefferson himself) where the lender's initial risks due to arbitration were fixed at $100.00 if the amount in question was $100.00 A dispute for a larger sum meant the borrower agreeing to split hearing fees with the additional provision that "any costs over the amount charged by the arbitration administrator for a Claim equal to your loan amount shall be paid by [the poor sap who is struggling for some miracle hope in the form of a $2,500.00 no-questions-asked loan]1

Wow, can this possibly be legal? It said in a disclosure statement that it was governed by the Illinois Financial Services Development Act and Federal law.

My first thought was to report this to Illinois' plucky Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Protecting families is her job. Then, like a good citizen, I was going to report these bozos to the Illinois 5th Dist. Congressman Rahm Emmanuel. Since he serves on the House banking and finance committee, he might be interested to know some outfit was soliciting uninitiated, possibly predatory, subprime lines of credit through the mail to the undeserved.

Just who are these nutballs anyway?

Beneficial® is a wholly owned subsidiary of Household International, Inc. located out in good old Prospect Heights, Ill. In March 2003 Household International was purchased for $14.2 bn2 by HSBC Holdings PLC making it the 2nd largest banking group in the world (behind the Saudi owned Citi Group) and the 4th largest corporation in the world with over 218,000 employees.

The former Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan was familiar with Household International, as were the attorney generals from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, Washington and Washington, D.C. They had investigated and that action resulted in a 2003 settlement of $484 million to be disbursed to victims in all 50 states.3

The Chief Theif at Household is William F. Aldinger III At the time of the sale, Bill was getting paid $10.2 million annually.2 This is somewhat surprising as in the previous four years shareholders had received returns less than the S&P 500 index and in addition to the $484 million dollar judgment there was a separate California judgment in 2003 for $12 million.2

William F. Aldinger III had this to say, "On the predatory lending side, some people have done unethical things. We don’t do that."3 If you read it over again, he appears to be implying that Household is a predatory lender, but they are at least ethical at the practice. The enormity of the judgments (well over a half billion dollars to date) whereby they accepted no blame but agreed to the settlements suggest otherwise.

Not that Household does not possess a spirit of generosity. To help the underprivileged, they partnered with the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise to provide free Financial Literacy training to low-income Washington D.C. constituents. I think I hear scary music, do you?

Sir John Bond
"The way a company behaves is going to be of crucial importance, the dominant feature of life in the 21st century.” — Sir John Bond

The facts of the settlement clearly point to Household International being a known predatory lender. Why was a venerable institution like HSBC acquiring them at such great price? According to their Chairman Sir John Bond, “"The broad strategic decision is this: two-thirds of every economy in the world is based on consumer expenditure and the more you can get your organization to sit astride that, frankly, the better for your business.”"2

HSBC, also known as "Honkers and Shankers", is an old line British concern initially established to do business with colonial Hong Kong. They are no stranger to the risky business of worldwide banking. As well as having offices destroyed at the World Trade Center in 2001, on November 20, 2003 Al Qaeda singled them out for special treatment by leveling their building in Instanbul with a bomb blast that destroyed the bank's head office in Turkey and caused several deaths and hundreds of injuries.5 For the six months of 2004, HSBC's interest income rose 29% to $23.48 billion. Net interest income after LLP rose 39% to $12.3 billion. Net income, according to US GAAP (Generally Agreed Accountant-like Pod-people), increased from $3.37 billion to $7.34 billion.6 Even with Household's mammoth legal troubles, the 2003 acquisition (at 1.7 times book value) had sailed through and earnings were bright.

Oddly, the monumental $484 million 2003 settlement had not slaked Household's thirst for risky consumer debt, or slowed their predatory practices. Within the same calendar year they again settled a class-action suit for over $100 million.7. Either William F. Aldinger III is inept when it comes to avoiding liability, or he is sly like a fox and sees the hefty settlements as a manageable cost of business. Sir John Bond certainly doesn't seem to mind. And neither do state regulators.

Illinois' former Governor George Ryan, currently indicted for corruption, signed the Illinois Financial Services Development Act8 in order to bring jobs to the area. Unfortunately, financial services are currently leading the pack of work sectors losing jobs due to layoffs and outsourcing.9 But it did attract lenders like Household to set up shop and ply their trade such as it is. Actually, it is rather sad that HSBC with over 218,000 employees produces nothing whatsoever, but that is another story.

January 1, 2004 Gov. Blagojevich signed into law SB1784 The High Risk Home Loan Act10 which had been championed by then State Sen. Barack Obama as a means to stem the tide of foreclosures occuring throughout Illinois, but especially concentrated in low-income urban neighborhoods of Chicago. The predatory nature of the subprime business blighting entire neighborhoods prompted the Chicago City Counsel to pass the nation's first city ordinance prohibiting such practices.

Only, it must still be happening or else I would not have received this letter yesterday, right?

Dan Philips, the Chief Executive of FirstPlus Financial of Dallas, a company that is known for going out on a limb, even by industry standards, compared bankers with subprime lenders. "Bankers are really accountants who make loans," Mr. Philips said. "On this side of the industry, you eat what you kill." 11 There is an explosion in the subprime lending industry and lenders are thriving off of the increased rates of bankruptcy and the worsening economy. From the Consumer Union Report:
"...Mr. Moskowitz recounted the terms of a loan he considered to be unconscionable. A West Coast "D" credit lender had charged over $14,500 in origination and processing fees — for a $74,000 loan to a New Jersey-based borrower now in foreclosure on the loan. The origination and processing fees totaled 19 points. About this loan, Moskowitz commented, "That’s not American — ripping off someone who’s blind, who’s black, whose mother’s dying, ...I don’t think that’s free enterprise."

But it is increasingly clear that even with states attempting to quell the worst of abuses the industry is going strong. Furthermore, some confusion has erupted over whether federal laws or state laws have precedence when dealing with an abusive lender. The lenders are trying cases in federal courts in an effort to establish this so they may do business under the more relaxed federal laws and they are winning.

The Bush administration and all the other "casino capitalists" see no issue with subprime lending. They have sold out citizens to the most unprincipled set of sharks we have seen since the gilded age. This is the Ownership Soceity emergent: the multi-national conglomerates bringing massive resources to bear in weakening regulations meant to protect citizens and robbing people.

As I noted at the top, merely posting this could make me liable for a Class A misdemeanor such is the pervasive power that the financial community sees fit to deploy through its governmental agents. There is no risk to the company in question because, following their last round of settlements, they have done over $150 million worth of compliance research and they are no doubt doing what they do "lawfully". Only our laws are morphing into criminal enterprises themselves made by and for a class intent on some sick fantasy of Total and Complete Capitalism. There may come a time where "rule by law" is itself tyranny.

You see, I had read the letter and thought "I should report these guys." Then, it became clear that "these guys" had literally $1 trillion in assets and were unstoppable. Entire nations cower to them. State laws are simply a niggling bit of puffery they adroitly sidestep. There is nothing that can possibly be done to these necro-philes.

Am I mad? You haven't seen me mad.

1© 2004 Beneficial - Member HSBC Group Personalized Credit Line Account Agreement [HFL/CP-PERS-067V2] and supplemental documents including but not limited to "Privacy Statement" [HFL/IN-PVCY-076 v2 © 9/04], Fair Credit Reporting Act Notice [HFL/IN-FCBR-012], "Arbitration Rider" [HFL/IN-ARBH-023v2 © 9/04].

2"HSBC's killer move" by Karina Robinson - THE BANKER - Published: 06 October, 2003.

3"Household International Agrees to Pay $484 Million in Lending Case" by Herbert G. McGann, Associated Press October 11, 2002.

4Excerpted Chicago Sun Times quote from Responsible Wealth Press Release "Household International Shareholders Oppose Predatory Lending" by Molly Lanzarotta May 3, 2001.

5see "HSBC" Wikipedia online dictionary.

6see Yahoo Finance

7see "Household International to settle suit" published 11-26-2003 by CHINAdaily. ©

8see "ID Financial Services Development Act

9see IDES Press Release (PDF)

10see "Timeline of Illinois Campaign to Stop Predatory Lending" - National Training and Information Center.

10see "The Hard Sell - Pt. II The Subprime Lending Industry" - Consumers Union.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Perils of Unemployment

Weeks of search = 37

Number of weeks of unemployment benefits per Illinois law = 26

Number of resumes sent out = 227

Number of followups = 161

Number of total interactions with potential employers = 408

Number of interviews = 27

Number of 2nd interviews = 8

Number of 3rd interviews = 2

Number of 4th interviews = 1

Number of offers = 0

Ratio of responses to total interactions = 11.8%

Response ratio = 21.14%

Rate of interactions per week = 11

Number of temporary agencies signed with = 5

Number of temporary assignments worked = 1

Number of positions officially closed = 32

Number of letters received notifying that position is closed = 1

Illinois unemployment rate as of December, 2004 = 5.8%*

12-month % change of layoffs (all industries) = +18.2

Stock market:
Dow Jones Industrial Average 1/19/01: 10,587.59

Dow Jones Industrial Average 1/19/05: 10,539.97

Number of interviews I had today = 1


*lowest level in three years (I am not included in the figure)

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Terrorism Explained By Riverbend

Baghdad Burning has a new post up. She has an excuse for posting infrequently as there have been constant electrical shortages over in her neck of the woods. The post is a fresh snapshot of what conditions are like in pre-election Iraq and she ruminates on the recent news that there were no WMDs in Iraq after all, and in the War on Terror in General. An excerpt:

I hope Americans feel good about taking their war on terror to foreign soil. For bringing the terrorists to Iraq- Chalabi, Allawi, Zarqawi, the Hakeems… How is our current situation going to secure America? How is a complete generation that is growing up in fear and chaos going to view Americans ten years from now? Does anyone ask that? After September 11, because of what a few fanatics did, Americans decided to become infected with a collective case of xenophobia… Yet after all Iraqis have been through under the occupation, we're expected to be tolerant and grateful. Why? Because we get more wheat in our diets?

Terror isn't just worrying about a plane hitting a skyscraper…terrorism is being caught in traffic and hearing the crack of an AK-47 a few meters away because the National Guard want to let an American humvee or Iraqi official through. Terror is watching your house being raided and knowing that the silliest thing might get you dragged away to Abu Ghraib where soldiers can torture, beat and kill. Terror is that first moment after a series of machine-gun shots, when you lift your head frantically to make sure your loved ones are still in one piece. Terror is trying to pick the shards of glass resulting from a nearby explosion out of the living-room couch and trying not to imagine what would have happened if a person had been sitting there.

To all the blowhards in Blogville who can provide any number of explanations for why we are in Iraq, put yourself in Riverbend's moccasins and see if it all still stands as pristine logic. If so, I am sure she would entertain the notion to swap seats for the next part of the ride.

Another Good Read:

I wandered across this perfectly good explanation of why we had to invade Iraq over at Kos. I am virtually ready to suspend my belief that it was to spread democracy to those less fortunate and liberate the downtrodden. If we really cared about that, we would invade Florida.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Thoughts on Social Security

If the crisis is as serious as it sounds on the TV news where anchors are sounding like your Aunt Eunice explaining that your Great Uncle Hal no longer recognizes people and Jesus is soon coming to get him, then lets not dick around. A risky scheme like having young people?! select investment options?! What if they select Mary Kate and Ashley as their investment counselors? What if they place 2% of the GDP in Spring Break Bonds? What if the system is still floundering when I retire and Wall Street has managed to misplace all the new money it got just like it misplaced my 401K money recently? It all went the way of a doobie at a Linkin Park concert.

We can't fool around with a serious adversarial threat to the one social insurance plan that has provided a public good for everyone who doesn't want to have to come home at the end of a long day pleasing the boss to find their elder kin Living In Their House and Eating Their Food and Needing Spongebaths because they are too old, too poor and have no where else to go. This was the life our forefathers had in their sweet prime and when some brainiacs figured out the tables of how much would have to be deducted to provide benefits for workers in old age they said, "Hallelujah." Thus, a successful experiment in government doing something governments are actually supposed to do was born.

If this is such a serious crisis than sometimes a man has got to do what a man has got to do and, moreover, make his wife do it too. We need to give back our tax cuts (if we are rich) and insist on removing the cap on FICA taxes for all hepcats earning over $87K and it is done. Slick as a whistle. The insolvency beast will curl in rage and agony as the flames lick its scaly hide and it will plunge back into the dark jungle of our subconsious. There will be plenty of surpluses for the young when they retire (if they ever manage to find a job). And the government will have to find some way of paying for all the treasuries it issued when it was borrowing the money "just 'til my next payday." C'mon, U.S. Government, you are not gonna make excuses when it is time to redeem that 3 trillion or so are ya? You are going to be a man and pay up. Don't you think of playing me some three card monte schtick. I ain't playing around, and neither should any of us about such a grave, serious crisis such as this Social Security thing.

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