Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine - Day 37

Abbie decided around midday to go sit out front in the sunshine and write. She was outside for about an hour-and-a-half and came in having written a screenplay for a children’s television show with a working title of “Playdate”. The show features her puppets Gus, Buddy Rex, and Sharon the Snake and also had a couple songs included. She had written song lyrics and wanted to try out a couple melodies. I grabbed the guitar and we soon had two demo roughs to send along to her professor who loved her idea for a show and pledged her support. It was uplifting to see a new idea stroll through the door and immediately start manifesting itself.

Later, Laura went to start dinner and realized the recently purchased chicken had gone bad as had a package of beef meant for the next day. It was our first real problem with the supply chain since the start of the quarantine. So, Abbie and I took an evening stroll down to the nearby Thai restaurant, Greenleaf, and returned with some savory dishes.


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