Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Global Warriors Battle For New Riches

What if providing China with low cost energy is part of the overall plan? What if "deficits don't matter"? What if we the administration is reasonably anticipating a war with Iran based on the assumption if they keep poking her with a stick she'll snap at it.

The curious thing about hearing the names Bush, Cheney, Powell and Rumsfeld is that the same names were prevalent during Nixon's term(s). What would have become of that second term anyway? After Nixon's foray into China and Russia with bold plans being made for the reductions of tensions, equally bold plans were being made for expanding trade.

Cheney and Rumsfeld were toiling away in something called The Office of Economic Opportunity with Frank Carlucci (Chairman of the Carlyle Group). Colin Powell was a White House Fellow. The AEI, The Hoover Institute, The Hudson Institute, The Scaife Foundation among others were looking for ways to expand the base of trading partners and get really, really rich while doing so.

Imagine some of those folks getting together back in the early seventies. I believe the presentation went something like this:

"Gentlemen, our forefathers opened the West to development and industry and left a legacy for all succeeding generations. They also got rich. It took over 100 years to get the job done.

In the developing world, we need to accomplish the same thing in the next thirty years. Got it?

China, Russia, and other parts of our world are shifting from an agrarian based economy to an industrial base much like we did in the 19th Century. There is wealth to be created and capital needs to be put to work. These regions need to be valued trading partners and we will split profits with them for access. They are a needed source of raw materials and cheap labor and we are running out of these things. If we don't assist them with capital, then they will own 100% of equity in the new frontier of industry, and we will own declining shares of the old one.

Folks, these regions are going to need access to cheap energy to build their industrial base and produce goods. They have abundant cheap labor. Anyone here have a problem with cheap labor? I didn't think so! We got to figure out a way to strike deals with the governments, pacify the Arabs, and get them the energy they need. Once we are cut in to some of the ownership, when the growth occurs we will be sitting pretty.

Now hear this. Any imbecile who allows labor unions, environmentalists, and equal rights activists in there anywhere close to the action and spoils the party will be persona non grata. This is our due. Our forefathers could see a good thing like Manifest Destiny when it looked them in the eye and so should we.

Who's in?

Well, Bush Senior was--he went to China to help set the whole thing up. Lord knows the Carlyle Group have been "in the pudding" for a while. If Rumsfeld and Cheney were handcuffed to a post and unable to carry forth Nixon's strategies they'd chew off their arms.

From sea to shining sea America's main streets are flooded with cheap goods from China and elsewhere where capitalists are exploiting the vast pools of cheap labor. Container ships are backed up out past the horizon waiting to offload more manufactured goods to be transported to Wal-Marts and other big box retailers. Once American consumers are tapped out, these big boxes will shutter and close and big boxes will spring up overnight in Malaysia, India, and Mexico. If the average American consumer is financially ruined due to poor economic circumstance, the global overlords are not really going to be hurt much. What did Mr. Bush say during the debates to the unemployed American? "...I say, here's some help, here's some trade adjustment assistance money for you to go a community college in your neighborhood, a community college which is providing the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century."

The skills necessary to fill jobs of the 21st Century are quickly becoming the skills necessary to live at a subsistance level.

Iran is bracketed now by permanent military bases to the East an West. The Mideast is essentially under new management as far as the Neo-cons are concerned. The energy is heading West to China and multi-national corporations are well esconced to enjoy the profits. And...my oh my...that labor is so cheap it is sweet!

Now, the crybabies who don't like war or the chill on the American economy due to high energy prices, declining standards of living, and competition from abroad, they may whine all they want. We live in a global economy now and the global warriors are living large.


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